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April 21, 2009 – 7pm
Multi-purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT
PRESENT:  Chairman Robert Rau, Mitch Bolinsky, Catherine Adsitt, Wes Thompson, Donald Sharpe, Robert Morey, Ted Kreinik

1.       Call to Order – Robert Rau called the meeting to order at 7:06pm

2.      Minutes of March 17, 2009 Meeting – Minutes approved. Motion to accept minutes by Mitch Bolinsky.  Seconded by Donald Sharpe.  Minutes approved unanimously.

3.      Communications – No report.

4.      Public Participation – No public present.

5.      Reports
a.      Director of Planning and Community Development – Liz Stocker emailed report to members of commission.  

6.      Old Business
a.      Tech Park – April 2nd Memo to Selectman was received favorably.  All unanimous to accept Tech Park as presented.   State Office of Policy and Management will be requested to extend the STEAP Grant, which expires 6/30/09, for another year.  This will provide approximately $50K to complete the study on the Tech Park to submit to the Wetlands Commission and Army Corp of Engineers for their approval.  E. Stocker and R. Rau will meet with relevant agencies in Hartford on April 28, 2009. Members of EDC will do research on what concept Tech Park will take.  Catherine Adsitt recommended requiring interested builders to come up with computer renderings of plan to view various vista/views and how they will impact surrounding area.
b.      M-5 Zoning – Planning and Zoning has delayed position on proposed amendment to zoning regulations allowing auto body shops in M-5 Zoning.  This decision will impact the request for an auto body shop on Edmond Road.

7.      New Business
a.      Sub-Committees – 5 sub-committees have been formed in order facilitate their individual goals and objectives.  Sub-committees will not operate in isolation and should request help of non-members of sub-committee who have specific skills and/or knowledge as needed.  Each sub- committee is asked to meet at least once between meetings and report back to the EDC as a whole.  9 Members of the EDC means each member will serve on 2-3 sub-committees.    The 5 subcommittees are divided as follows:
i.      Establish EDC as an advocate for existing businesses and develop a business retention program to support their preservations and growth. (C. Adsitt, D. Sharpe, R. Morey, D. Howard)
ii.     Become a Strategic Partner with town officials and committees/commissions and be an advocate for the maximization and effective use of potential sites for economic development. (M. LaMarche, M. Bolinsky, D. Sharpe, T. Kreinik)
-       Touches on SWOT meeting findings.  Assets of I-84 proximity, industrial acreage near Exit 9. Must clearly identify areas and plan how to develop. This would be in conjunction/agreement with town Plan of Conservation and Development.
iii.    Facilitate the maintenance and development of agricultural, animal husbandry, horticulture and equestrian businesses in Newtown. (W. Thompson, R. Morey, D. Howard)
-       W. Thompson has been investigating a “town-owned” farmers market to support local agricultural, farm businesses.   Great opportunity to support business at every level in Newtown
iv.     Alternative Energy – Evaluate and Facilitate the generation and use of Alternative Energy in the Tech Park. (T. Kreinik, M. Bolinsky, W. Thompson)
-       Solar panels, low impact hydro, wind are all potential energy sources for Tech Park.  Solar fields can be linked into local grid, with this there is also potential for grants and state funding.
v.      Evaluate/Upgrade as needed the EDC marketing tools (website, brochures, etc) to support mission of the EDC. (M. LaMarche, C. Adsitt, W. Thompson)
-       Development of flexible format for customized materials for each independent target market.
8.      Adjournment – Motion for adjournment was made by Mr. Morey and seconded by Mr. Bolinsky.  All in favor.  Adjourned at 8:37pm.

Respectfully submitted by:
Julie Obre, Clerk